Terms of Reference
- Introduction
This Terms of Reference document sets out the aims, purpose and operating framework for the Murray River Group of Councils (MRGC).
- Background
The MRGC was established in 2006 when the councils in northern Victoria, after identifying a range of shared interests, sought to improve their advocacy efforts by working collaboratively. Councils recognised that they could advocate more effectively collectively on behalf of their communities than each member council can on its own.
For more than a decade, MRGC has provided members with a forum for informed discussion on issues relating to councils’ shared interests. The group’s size and established relationships mean common issues can be quickly articulated agreed positions can be reached.
MRGC has developed a reputation as a reliable partner with a track record of putting regional interests first and for working constructively with the State and Federal Governments to find solutions to the challenges facing the region’s towns, industries and communities.
- Vision
“A strong voice for a vibrant region”
- Mission Statement
To advocate effectively on behalf of our communities where our interests are shared
- Purpose
The Murray River Group of Councils:
- provides a forum for informed discussion on all issues relating to member councils’ shared interests
- advocates strongly to State and Federal Governments with a single voice on common issues
- acts as a single point of contact for governments, councils and other stakeholders to disseminate, discuss and respond to issues and initiatives
- is a reliable partner and works constructively with governments to find solutions to the issues facing our communities
- supports member councils for the good of the region
- To appoint representatives to other bodies as and when required
- We work together with other councils or entities
- Membership
Membership of the MRGC comprises:
- Mildura Rural City Council
- Swan Hill Rural City Council
- Gannawarra Shire Council
- Loddon Shire
- Campaspe Shire Council
- Moira Shire
Each Council is represented by the Mayor and the CEO.
- Chair
The Chair of the MRGC will rotate between member councils in January of each year, progressing from east to west in the following order:
- Moira Shire
- Campaspe Shire
- Loddon Shire
- Gannawarra Shire Council
- Swan Hill Rural City Council
- Mildura Rural City Council
Or otherwise by resolution of the Group The role and responsibilities of the Chair are to:
- Chair Mayor and CEO meetings according to the agenda
- Represent the MRGC publically and in the media
- Sign all correspondence and approve all media releases
- Review and approve the draft agenda and minutes before distribution
- Attend meetings with key stakeholders.
- Advocate the priorities of the MRGC
- Meetings
- MRGC Mayor and CEOs Meetings
MRGC Mayor and CEO meetings will be held at agreed intervals throughout the year in accordance with the meetings calendar agreed at the start of each year.
MRGC Mayor and CEO meetings aim to provide a forum for strategic discussion and consideration of key issues and advocacy positions. They provide a mechanism for building, strengthening and maintaining relationships with each other and with key stakeholders.
Key stakeholders will be invited to participate in meetings where their presence will facilitate discussion and further MRGC priorities.
Where a member (Mayor or CEO) is unable to attend a meeting a delegate may attend in the member’s place.
Quorum for meetings will be a simple majority of members.
In the absence of the Chair, the meeting will select a chair from among the Mayors present for the duration of the absence.
Decisions will be made by consensus wherever possible. Where consensus cannot be reached simple majority will resolve the issue with each Council having one vote, and the Chair having the authority of a casting vote.
A record of meeting proceedings will be kept
Meetings will commence by 9:00am and will conclude by 1pm unless otherwise arranged
Ground Rules for Meetings:
- We start on time and finish on time
- We all participate and contribute – everyone is given opportunity to voice their opinions
- We use improvement tools that enhance meeting efficiency and effectiveness
- We actively listen to what others have to say, seeking first to understand, then to be understood
- We follow-up on actions for which we are assigned responsibility and complete them on time
- We give and receive open and honest feedback in a constructive manner
- We use data to make decisions (whenever possible)
- We strive to continually improve our meeting process and build time into each agenda for reflection.
Mayor and CEO meetings will be hosted by each member council with the meeting venue rotating from east to west in the following order:
- Moira Shire
- Campaspe Shire Council
- Loddon Shire
- Gannawarra Shire Council
- Swan Hill Rural City Council
- Mildura Rural City Council
An annual schedule of meetings will be distributed to members at the beginning of the calendar year.
The Chair may convene extraordinary meetings or alter the meeting venue where necessary or where requested by members.
Agenda papers will be circulated one week in advance of the meeting.
Draft Minutes will be circulated within one week of the meeting.
Draft Minutes will be agreed at the next meeting and signed or otherwise recorded as being the final record of the meeting.
- MRGC CEOs Meetings
MRGC CEO Meetings provide a forum for policy development, consideration of potential advocacy positions, and management of MRGC strategies.
MRGC CEO Meetings will take place in alternate months to the Mayor and CEO meetings.
MRGC CEO meetings can be face to face at an agreed location (generally Kerang) however the CEO Meetings will utilise phone or video conferencing where possible.
The CEO meetings will be chaired by the CEO of the council holding the chair.
Where a CEO is unable to attend a meeting a delegate may attend in the member’s place.
Quorum for meetings will be a simple majority of members.
In the absence of the Chair, the meeting will select a Chair from among the CEOs present for the duration of the absence.
Decisions will be made by consensus wherever possible. Where consensus cannot be reached simple majority will resolve the issue with each Council having one vote, and the Chair having the authority of a casting vote.
A record of meeting proceedings will be kept.
Meetings will commence by 10:00am and will conclude by 12:00pm unless otherwise agreed.
The Ground Rules for CEO meetings are as set out at 8.1 above.
- Meeting Records
Records will be stored electronically in such a way as to be accessible to all members
- Meeting Secretariat
The MRGC Executive Officer will provide secretariat support to the MRGC
The Secretariat will be responsible for assisting the Chair with meeting arrangements, correspondence, policy development, advocacy, information management and financial arrangements related to the operations of the MRGC.
The Chairing council will provide support to the secretariat
Currently the MRGC Executive Officer is hosted by Loddon Shire Council. This arrangement may be altered in agreement with the incumbent and the relevant councils.
- Finances
Each member council will make an equal base contribution being equivalent to 1/6 (or an equal share) of 1/3 of the agreed annual budget and an amount apportioned on a per capita basis for the remaining 2/3.
Loddon Shire Council will act as banker for the MRGC as host council for the Executive Officer position. Loddon Shire Council will invoice members on a quarterly basis in advance according to the agreed formula.
The per capita formula is as follows:
- Mildura 33%
- Swan Hill 13%
- Gannawarra 7%
- Loddon 5%
- Campaspe 24%
- Moira 18%
The Executive Officer will present a quarterly financial report to the relevant meeting and will complete an annual financial statement.
- Conflict of Interest
Members are expected to manage any conflicts of interest under the terms of the Local Government Act 1989.
- Amendments
The terms of reference may be reviewed periodically as required. They may be altered at any formal meeting to meet the current needs of the MRGC.
These Terms of Reference were reviewed and approved on the 19 October 2017 at the Mayors and CEOs meeting held in Melbourne.