The Murray River Group of Councils is urging the MDBA and Ministers to ensure that great care is taken over the Sustainable Diversion Limit Adjustment Mechanism (SDLAM) supply projects.

Cr Lorraine Learmonth, Chair of the Murray River Group said “The importance of the 605GL offsets cannot be overstated. If these projects fail to deliver the environmental outcomes then the risk is that water will have to be bought in the southern basin to cover the shortfall.

“We know the catastrophic impact of buy-backs on our communities particularly in the GMID where any further water recovery would be disastrous.

“It would lead to system wide collapse and end with the wastage of $2 billion of modernisation investment not to mention the social impact on farmers left without a livelihood.

MRGC is concerned that funding for the detailed business cases for these projects has only recently started to flow. With the 2024 deadline looming, it is a very real risk that some of these projects will not be completed in time.

MRGC is calling on Ministers to take a prudent and practical approach. To intervene now to ensure funding and support is there to the States to properly develop and implement the projects and on a case by case basis to take a flexible approach to the deadline if necessary

The Murray River Group of Councils comprises six councils in northern Victoria, Mildura and Swan Hill Rural City Councils and Loddon, Gannawarra, Campaspe and Moira Shires.


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