Mildura Rural City
Mildura Rural City is a rapidly growing municipality that includes Mildura city as well as a number of other communities including Red Cliffs, Merbein and Irymple near the Murray River, and Ouyen and Murrayville further inland.
The region’s climate is sunny all year around with mild winters and warm summers.
From the Murray River in the north to the Mallee national parks and dryland farming districts, our region includes significant natural assets that are the hallmark of our district.
The region has a rich indigenous cultural history and Council acknowledges the traditional owners of this land and the part they play in the community.
European settlement of the municipality began with grazing operations in the 1800s, before Mildura became Australia’s first irrigation settlement in the middle of the century at the instigation of the Chaffey Brothers.
Since then, our region has become a key service and economic hub of inland Australia.
Facts about Mildura
Resident population: 53,122
Mildura population: 28,743
Indigenous population: 1,432
Land area: 22,330 km2
Level above sea level: 50m
Climate: Dry summers and mild winters
Key industries: Dryland farming, irrigated horticulture (table grapes, wine grapes, dried grapes, citrus and vegetables), tourism, food and beverage manufacturing, transport and logistics, retail, health and community services.
Emerging industries: Renewable energy generation, aquaculture, mineral sands mining and recycling

Cullulleraine Wheat and Vineyards

Rio Vista

Marina Bridge