Wednesday 13 January 2021

The Murray River Group of Councils has welcomed Mildura Mayor, Cr Jason Modica as Chair of the Group for 2021.

Cr Modica was elected as Mayor of Mildura Rural City Council for the first time in November 2020 following his re-election as a councillor at the recent Local Government elections. He steps into the position of Chair of Murray River Group of Councils this month.  The Chair was previously held by Swan Hill Mayor, Cr Bill Moar.

“I am looking forward to working with my fellow Mayors from across our great region and continuing the strong advocacy that Cr Moar provided for our communities last year,” said Cr Modica.

As Chair, Cr Modica becomes the principal spokesperson for the MRGC throughout the year and will Chair its quarterly meetings. Cr Modica is passionate about regional economic development, energy transition and water reform, all of which are key issues for MRGC.

At its last meeting for 2020, the Group reconfirmed its advocacy priorities for the coming year and will focus on Digital Connectivity, Unlocking renewable energy in the region, Water reform, and Murray River Tourism.

“Covid has highlighted just how critical digital connectivity is to regional Victoria. Improving it is really important to drive economic activity” said Cr Modica. “MRGC will be working to raise this issue with Governments as well as continuing our strong focus on water reform and renewable energy in our region”.

“I would like to thank Cr Moar for guiding MRGC well through a difficult year in 2020 and thank all those who were involved last year,” said Cr Modica.

The Murray River Group comprises Mildura Rural City, Swan Hill Rural City, Gannawarra Shire, Loddon Shire, Campaspe Shire and Moira Shire Councils.


Media Inquiries:               Geoff Turner, Exec Officer. Phone:  0419 030 314

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