Unlocking Solar in Northern Victoria
MRGC continues to engage with the energy market operator, AEMO and lobby State and Federal Governments to focus on upgrading the electricity transmission network in northern Victoria to unlock the huge potential for renewable energy generation across the region.
Our region enjoys distinct advantages including a strong social license, particularly in the North West of Victoria, unrivalled solar resource and available, suitable land. The missing element is transmission capacity.
Planning permits have already been issued by MRGC councils for over 4GW of solar power generation with a further 4GW in pre-planning or planning application stage. To put that in perspective, Victoria’s biggest coal fired power station, Loy Yang A, has a 2.2GW maximum capacity. This is just what is currently in the planning system. Given the natural advantages our region enjoys, once the transmission lines are upgraded, the potential for future expansion is enormous, limited only by demand for electricity.
For more information, download our information sheet or contact MRGC